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Data exchange with third-party systems

The development of computer technology allows us to take a fresh look at the scale of the use of modern gadgets (such, for example, as the numerous family of Garmin), software applications and Internet resources in training activities. In the field of sports, these new technologies help to organize the training process. Most companies that produce sports gadgets at the same time provide an opportunity to analyze the training process and create the corresponding Internet resources. Such resources have the necessary information support and to some extent allow to program the parameters of the training process.

For the user of software applications on Physiological avatar technology, there arises a natural question about the possibility of using data obtained during the training process using these popular sports gadgets and software applications.

The question also arises as to how to use the data accumulated in numerous sports and medical-medical profile databases, as well as data from personal coaches' journals that are maintained by them in general-purpose systems (for example, in Excel).

To solve these issues, the project team Physiological avatar offers several simple formats of structured data exchange files on the basis of the unified form xml . These files can be prepared both automatically by the regular procedures for uploading data from software applications, and manually by any text editor.

Loading the Heart Rate Profile from the Garmin Training Center XML (TCX)

Garmin Training Center XML (TCX) is a data exchange format introduced in 2007 within the Garmin Training Center product. TCX provides a standard for transferring heart rate, pace, pace, bicycle pedal, calories in the form of a temporary track. Currently, this format is implemented in many products of well-known companies, such as Garmin and Polar.

In the framework of technology products Physiological Avatar imports from the TCX file are used in the training impulse calculator block to calculate the TRIMP from the HR profile data obtained during the training session. This feature allows you to directly use the data of the heart rate track to calculate the value of TRIMP.

Before using the Physiological Avatar in applications, the TCX file must be exported from the third-party software system Garmin Training Center, Polar Flow or any other with the ability to export the training session to a TCX file. The TCX file must contain the heart rate track.

Loading an arbitrary tim profile

This format of the data exchange file is intended for uploading into the software applications the Physiological Avatar technology of the data of time profiles of physiological variables that were obtained with the help of third-party software and technical platforms. Such data can be profiles of heart rate, blood pressure and other physiological variables measured in the training exercise. The data are organized in the form of a time-ordered list of pairs (time, the value of the physiological variable).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<timepoint t="0.00" x="70.00" />
<timepoint t="10.00" x="72.00" />

where t- time in seconds,, x-value of the physiological variable.

In software applications of the Physiological Avatar technology, data files of this format are used to provide the possibility of using modern sports gadgets in calculating the value of the training impulse (TRIMP).

Log file for sports results

This format of the data exchange file is intended for uploading into the software applications the Physiological Avatar of the data of the sports results log (trial launches) when solving the problem of the optimal planning of the training process. The data are organized in the form of a time-ordered triple list (the date of measurement, the time of measurement, the value of the sport result in conventional units).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<datetimepoint d="01.01.2018" t="10:00:00" x="50.00" />
<datetimepoint d="01.02.2018" t="12:10:00" x="55.00" />

where d-date of measurement in the format dd.MM.yyyy, t-measuring time in format hh:mm:ss, x-value of the sporting result in conventional units.

Log file for training load

This format of the data exchange file is intended for uploading into the software applications the Physiological avatar of the log data of training loads when solving the problem of optimal planning of the training process. Data are organized in the form of a time-ordered list of fours (date of measurement, measurement time, training impulse value (TRIMP), duration of training).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<datetimepoint d="01.01.2018" t="10:00:00" x="50.00" />
<datetimepoint d="01.02.2018" t="12:10:00" x="55.00" />

where d-date of measurement in the format dd.MM.yyyy, t-measuring time in format hh:mm:ss, x-value of the training impulse value (TRIMP) in conventional units, x- duration of the training exercise in minutes.

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