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Applications for the cloud platform

Cloud platform applications implements of the services for sharing component PhA technology. This user authentication services, storage services and data access services, distributed computing services, and some auxiliary services.


  • User Authentication Services

    Applications of PhA technology uses an open-legged OAuth to authenticate users via accounts Microsoft Account, Google or authentication services most popular social networks Twitter and Facebook. When registering, the user must provide your e-mail address. E-mail is used as the user ID, and for communication with the client developer. There are no data that allow to identify the user's identity, applications not collected or stored.

  • Services of storage and data access

    Applications of PhA technology use cloud storage for storing account information of users logging users observations and storing of collection of physiological avatars. Client access to cloud storage is carried out by means of web services based on technology WCF (Windows Communication Foundation).

  • Factory of identification

    With the software and the technical point of view, factory of identification is a set of services based on technology WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) for the implementation of the computer system of identification based on the use of resources on the basis of distributed computing.

    Software platform for the implementation of the factory of identification may be Microsoft Azure cloud platform or TCP / IP network of computers with Microsoft Windows.

Software Platforms

Currently, cloud platform applications of the FA technology developed for the following software platforms:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Microsoft Azure

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