Factory of identification
The problem of estimating the parameters of a dynamical system on measurements
its output characteristics in control theory is called
parametric identification. The problem with regard to the identification of the human body is that the mathematical model to estimate physiological parameters based on a limited set of observations. The essence of the parametric identification is "individualization" of the mathematical model. Thus, the identification of the adequacy of the mathematical model extends from the level of the population to the level of the individual.
In mathematics, the identification problem belongs to a class of inverse problems for complex systems typically require large computational resources to solve. Solution to the problem of identification is a computational procedure for determining the numerical values of the parameters of the mathematical model. This procedure is performed and the computing device is to select the parameter values of the mathematical model in order to minimize a difference criterion between the identification-body measurements and corresponding variables
mathematical model.
Factory of identification
Factory of identification is implementation of identification computer system based on the use of computing resources on the basis of cloud computing.
Factory of identification is a network computing services, which consists of many virtual machines that are included on the Internet. In this network, each service identification performs global random search criteria identify the minimum number of points for the initial sample, equal to the number of processors on the server, and sends the results synchronization service. Synchronization service sends each service identification requests to perform the search on a single sample point for each free CPU waits for the return result and generates statistics for the full sample.
A landmark event for the of PhA team was the launch in test mode implementation factory of identification on the Microsoft Azure platform. Launch took place in October 2014. At present, the factory is available to program participants beta testing of mobile application for Windows Phone. Participants of beta testing can use the factory to identify and create your free PhA.