Lesson #2. Creating a package of observations and creating a new avatar
Keeping a journal of physiological observations (JPO) for the team and for each athlete is one of the technological blocks of the trainer's work with optimal planning of the training process. JPO data are necessary to create an up-to-date collection of physiological avatars (PhA) of an athlete. Demonstrates the management of the process of creating and using the PhA collection for each athlete of the team. PhAs are created at the identification factory on the basis of the initial data of the athlete's individual physiological profile and observation packages from the JPO.
This video lesson demonstrates the implementation of technological blocks Unit 3 and Unit 4 with optimal planning of the training process.
With the optimal planning of the training process based on TRIMP technology, the coach and other specialists of the coaching staff should be able to solve a number of practical problems. The following list of these tasks determines the necessary conditions for the practical implementation of the training process optimal planning based on the physiological avatar technology and the training impulse.
Unit 1. Maintaining an individual physiological profile (IPP) for each athlete of the coaching group (team). The IPP should contain data from standard anthropometry, as well as estimates of the maximum and minimum values of TRIMP (wmin,wmax).
Unit 2. Maintain an individual sports calendar for each athlete in the team, indicating days of competitions as well as “special” days when the competitive or training load cannot be performed or has to be limited (days of illness, injuries, relocations, etc.).
Unit 3. Keeping a journal of physiological observations (JPO) for the team and for each athlete in the format of observation packages of the “Physiological Avatar” technology. The data of the JPO are necessary to create the current collection of the athlete’s PA. Maintenance of the JPO requires a modern laboratory of sports medicine equipped with necessary measuring equipment.
Unit 4. Managing the process of creating and using the PA collection for each athlete in the team. PAs are created in the identification factory on the basis of initial data of the IPP and the JPO. For each team athlete, at least one current PA must be created.
Unit 5. Keeping for each athlete in the team his/her athletic form log. This log records expert
judgments of the athletic form by the results of competitions, or by results of special tests that are similar to the conditions of actual competitions.
Unit 6. Keeping for each athlete in the team his/her training load log. The log records TRIMP
values achieved by the athlete during training exercises with physical exertion, and also during competitions.
Unit 7. Designing optimal current training plans for each athlete in the team. Recalculation of the optimal current training plans for the new current data, i.e. realization of adaptive optimal planning of the training process.
Unit 8. Implementation of current training plans by assigning training load to athletes in accordance with the planned daily value of TRIMP.
● Target athlete selection
● Creating a new observation package for the selected template
● Entering observation values
● Creation of a task for the manufacture of a new physiological avatar
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