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Reports and Presentations

Coaching Toolkit for kayaking and canoeing . The practical aspect

We present our report "Coaching Toolkit for kayaking and canoeing . The practical aspect" at the All – Russian Science and Applied Research Conference on the issues of sports science of children`s and youth`s sports and elite sport . The report was held 30/11/2016 in Center for Innovative Technologies and sports national teams of Moscomsport.

On the development of software Coaching Toolkit for kayaking and canoeing on the basis of physiological avatar technology

We present our report "On the development of software Coaching Toolkit for kayaking and canoeing on the basis of physiological avatar technology" at the All – Russian Science and Applied Research Conference on the issues of sports science of children`s and youth`s sports and elite sport . The report was held 02/12/2016 in Center for Innovative Technologies and sports national teams of Moscomsport.

Physiological Avatar Technology in the problems of sport

We present our report "Physiological Avatar Technology in the problems of sport" on the III-th interdisciplinary scientific and practical seminar "Mathematical methods and models in the problems of sport." The report held 12/16/2015 at the Center for Innovative Technologies and sports national teams of Moscomsport.

The seminar was devoted to an original approach to the development of a comprehensive mathematical model of the physiological systems of the human body, creating on its basis technology virtual twin - "physiological avatar" and use of this technology for the planning and analysis of training loads.

The report is presented in two parts:

Part 1. Review of mathematical models of physiological systems and the bases of physiological avatar technology

The report presents an overview of the theoretical foundations of technology physiological avatar (FA). First and foremost this is a mathematical model of the base of the physiological systems of the human body. The development of this model started under the leadership of Yu.V.Solodyannikova in 70-90-ies of XX century. The model of the circulatory system was developed as part of research on artificial heart, led V.N.Shumakovym. On the basis of this model it was carried out complex experiments confirmed its agreement with the experimental data. In this model have been carried out studies questions of identifiability, observability, controllability, stability. It continues to provide the main theses of the report.

It provides an overview of the basic mathematical model of the human circulatory system, its classification as a mathematical object. We consider the extension of the basic model to the interconnected physiological systems in order to build a comprehensive mathematical model of human physiology.  In the modern version of a mathematical model of the physiological systems of the body including the ideas and methods of the theory homeostatic systems theory allometric parameters of the body depending on body weight (allometric scaling), the theory of neural networks. We are extending the model constructed by integrating the equations describing the dynamics of metabolism (in particular carbohydrates and lactate) in humans. Also included is a mathematical model ergorefleksa skeletal muscle as a mechanism for the regulation of the body, carried out through the muscle metabolic receptors that respond to the accumulation of incompletely oxidized metabolites in muscle.

It is proposed to review problem individualization mathematical model of the physiology. The problem of identification in a general form is best to construct a mathematical model of the sense within a given class of models, based on measurements taken in specific life conditions of the human body.  A review of studies identified by measurements on a simple model of the circulatory system. The main goal of the research is to study the identifiability of the possibility of building measurement systems, giving an answer to a question about the possibility of a unique solution of the problem of identification.  On a mathematical model of the physiology considered problem statement of parametric identification of measurements. A method for the numerical solution algorithm based on random global search. The theoretical justification for software implementation procedures for the identification of parallel computing processes on symmetric multiprocessing computer systems in a distributed computing environment (cloud). A review of methods, algorithms and software to solve the problem of identification. Separately, the features of the problem of identification of parameters lactate metabolism.

We consider the components and the application area of ​​information PhA technology. PhA is a mathematical model of the physiology of personalized individual. It suggests possible practical applications of the PhA in sports medicine and training process, in particular the study of the phenomenon of the anaerobic threshold. Proposed new methods of assessing the level of the individual anaerobic threshold, maximal oxygen uptake in athletes and other features. The prospects and directions of development.

Part 2. Physiological avatar technology and its applications in the sports training process

Physiological avatar (PhA) - the technology of the manufacture and use of individual virtual twin (individualized mathematical models) physiological systems of the human body. PhA is built in parametric identification based on measurements of physiological parameters and is used to study the organism and its behavior in a variety of situations and different areas of professional activities. The report presents an overview of the practical application of technology PhA in sports medicine, sports training process and related fields. It continues to provide the main theses of the report.

Observing System
System logging observations of physiological parameters of the body. Package observations as a set of measurements of the parameters of the body and medical tests, made around the same time. Packages observations as input unit identification. Create a package of observations as the first phase of the PhA. Packet Types and composition of observations observations. The minimum package of observations. Packages observations "Fitness", "Fitness +", "Pro Sport", "Cardiologist", their composition and purpose.

Factory of identification
Factory of identification as computer system that performs the customization parameters of a mathematical model (identification) and allows you to create the PhA. Factory of identification as the implementation of identification systems based on the use of computing resources on the principle of distributed computing. The problem arising from the performance, and her software and hardware solutions. Tools and methods for determining physiological parameters of individual anaerobic threshold, maximal oxygen consumption and other physiological endurance criteria using the PhA. The system of building individual collections of the PhA. System reference time trends of physiological parameters, including endurance performance.

Modeling and monitoring
PhA Simulator as a digital software implementation of a mathematical model of the physiological systems of the body. PhA, a factory-based authentication packets observations. Using a simulator for simulating the behavior of the organism in a wide variety of input conditions. The simulator as a tool for monitoring the intensity of physical activity during sports training. The tool allows you to monitor the values ​​of cardio training at the level of lactate in the body, monitoring points in time and the level of the load in excess of the level of the individual anaerobic threshold. To monitor does not require any special equipment, except for the usual smartphone and Bluetooth heart rate sensor. Software implementation of the monitoring systems of training pulse (TRIMP) during sports training.  Conconi test simulator, which is based on a selected collection of previously created PhA, allows to build a graph of the level of lactate in the body of the athlete's level of physical activity (individual lactate profile). Lactate profile is built for all permissible load range from complete rest to the load corresponding to the maximum oxygen consumption. The study does not require exhausting exercise, traditionally accompanying the real test Conconi.

Advanced features sports training
PhA Technology provides new opportunities for monitoring the intensity of physical activity during sports training. The ability to monitor the level of lactate in the blood, control zones aerobic and anaerobic loads not only heart rate but also the model level of lactate in the blood. Applications of PhA technology allows continuous monitoring during exercise heart rate values ​​of the reserve, the individual lactate profile, maximum heart rate and other physiological variables model. This makes it possible to calculate the current value of the model training pulse at any one time training. The possibilities and prospects of application of PhA technology in optimal planning of the training process. Technology PhA proposed to use to calculate the cumulative impacts of multiple divergent effects of training loads on athletic performance. To analyze the effectiveness of the training process are encouraged to use the system of keeping time trends of physiological parameters, including indicators of endurance. The presence of individual mathematical model enables to predict sports results, simulate and optimize the tactical schemes and optimize athletic training, taking into account the individual characteristics of an athlete.

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